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3 Quick Tips for Writing Opinion Pieces for Media Publication

During #2017CAOI Carol Schadelbauer and I represented The Voices Group in sharing tips for scholars on getting opinion pieces ("op-eds") published in newspapers and major online media, including:

  1. Focus on a timely issue on which you have a strong and informed opinion that you can express in about 750 words.

  2. Structure your opinion piece to a) express a definitive opinion in the opening; b) close with a suggestion on a key action that can be taken to achieve the goal you describe; c) in between provide about 3 key pieces of argument and evidence to support your opinion--including addressing thoughtfully and with a clear counter-argument the main objection to your idea that others may have.

  3. Because op-eds in the public media are meant for large audiences, use a vocabulary that lay readers can understand, keep your sentences short and clear, and your paragraphs concise.

Why is it important for scholars to publish opinion pieces in newspapers and online media? Because scholars--whether they're presidents or faculty, deans or independent experts--have developed a depth of knowledge that can inform debates about timely topics@carolschads